Why aren’t we cleaning up the messes we’ve already made? And why do so many people hate environmentalists? The book offers trailblazing answers, along with powerful ideas for how to stop saving the planet & start making a difference. MORE
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“In this moment of reckoning, Jenny Price calls us out to call us in and does so with humor, insight and an in-your-face attitude that is informed and dare I say, hopeful about our capacity to change how we think, see and ‘do’ green” —Carolyn Finney, Black Faces, White Spaces
“Pithy, funny, exasperated, and informed…you cannot read a more important fifty pages than Stop Saving the Planet.” — Richard White, The Republic for Which it Stands
Flight Maps records my travels through American history and culture to pursue what began as a simple question: What does nature mean to me?
At the book’s physical, chronological and interrogative center, I have planted a brief history of the plastic flamingo, because I am now convinced that the checkered postwar chronicle of the infamous pink lawn creature speaks more forcefully than most any other thing, person or text about the powerful definition of Nature.
Excerpt: The Plastic Pink Flamingo: A Natural History (American Scholar, 1999)
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“Humor, self-scrutiny, & a passion for ideas light up [its] pages” — LA Times
Price’s willingness to engage with [nature] anywhere she finds [it] is a refreshing change” — NY Times
The Believer, 2006
What the crisis of nature writing amounts to…is that Thoreau really, really needs to Get on the Bus. And my own list of favorite representative topics for a more on the bus nature writing in Los Angeles would have to include mango body whips, the social geography of air, Zu-Zu the murdered Chihuahua, and Mapleton Drive near Bel Air. And, of course, the concrete L.A. River…
Perspectives—2012 keynote talk, American Society for Environmental History
And shouldn’t we fight as fiercely as we can to change the [20th-century nature rhetorics]—with all the skill, passion, and rock-solid integrity that Rachel Carson brought to the cause?
Environmental History, 2008—Lynn W. Day Distinguished Lecture in Forest & Conservation History, Forest History Society
I’d like to nominate an icon for a future environmentalism. An icon that’s new and dramatic. An icon for everyone. An icon that’s entirely, overwhelmingly inspiring—the Los Angeles River.
The concrete sewer-like thing in all the movies and TV shows. The site of the scene in Terminator 2 where Schwarzenegger flees on a motorcycle from a liquid-metal alien driving a tractor trailer. It’s the most famous forgotten river in the United States.
North American Review, 1992
If you are like me, the trip to the Cocha Cashu research station in the southern Amazon begins of its own accord, a couple of weeks before you leave. You find yourself traveling the neighbors’ lawns late at night, circumnavigating lampposts and waking up birds, losing roughly equal measures of sleep to what you do and don’t know about the jungle.
How Far is Too Far for Little League?
First, you have to figure out your family warming coefficient…
Green Guns
Wow. Seriously, wow. A hit man?…
Gun Lobby’s Perfect Aim (LA Times, 2003)
These People Own Guns? (LA Times, 2006)
Prop. 9 Is Unjust (LA Times, 2008)
More Victims?: It’s a Dead Certainty (LA Times, 2009)
A Line in the Sand (NY Times, 2005)
The County Is AWOL in the Fight for Malibu Beaches (LA Times, 2015)
Life's a Breach (LA Times, 2003)
In the Pink No More (NY Times, 2006)
Vote for a Party, then Have a Party (LA Times, 2002)
Adventures In Mockstitutions (Springs, Rachel Carson Center, 2023)
Response, H-Environment Roundtable Review of Stop Saving the Planet! (2022)
The Best Books to Revolutionize How Americans Think About Nature & Environment (Shepherd, 2021)
Three Books: Jenny Price '85 on Understanding Environmentalism (Princeton Alumni Weekly news, 2021)
Your Not In New Jersey Anymore (LA Observed, 2012)
Adventures in Swagland: the Talent and the Talented, Grammys & Golden Globes Version (LA Observed, 2011)
The Talent and the Talented: Adventures in Swagland (LA Observed, 2010)
How Carbon Trading Hurts the Poor (GOOD, 2009)
A Father's Day Tribute (LA Observed, 2008)
Beyond the Gates, A Public Gateway (Wild West column, LA Times, 2005)
An Urban Harvest of Ideas (Wild West column, LA Times, 2005)
Paradise Reclaimed: A Field Guide to the L.A. River (LA Weekly, 2001)
First, you have to figure out your family warming coefficient… Read
Wow. Seriously, wow. A hit man?… Read
Gun Lobby’s Perfect Aim (LA Times, 2003)
These People Own Guns? (LA Times, 2006)
Prop. 9 Is Unjust (LA Times, 2008)
More Victims?: It’s a Dead Certainty (LA Times, 2009)
Public beach access:
A Line in the Sand (NY Times, 2005)
The County Is AWOL in the Fight for Malibu Beaches (LA Times, 2015)
Life's a Breach (LA Times, 2003)
In the Pink No More (NY Times, 2006)
Vote for a Party, then Have a Party (LA Times, 2002)
Whose River Is It? And Whose History? (LA Observed, 2015)
You’re Not In New Jersey Anymore (LA Observed, 2012)
Adventures in Swagland: the Talent and the Talented, Grammys & Golden Globes Version (LA Observed, 2011)
The Talent and the Talented: Adventures in Swagland (LA Observed, 2010)
The 2nd Amendment—Major New Discovery (LA Observed, 2010)
A Brief Father’s Day Tribute (LA Observed, 2008)
The Case for Letting Us Camp in Malibu (LA Observed, 2007)
Angry? Got Money? Open an Accessway! (LA Observed, 2007)
Why I’m Happy My Health Insurance Costs $12,268/yr (LA Observed, 2007)
Beyond the Gates, A Public Gateway (Wild West column, LA Times, 2005)
An Urban Harvest of Ideas (Wild West column, LA Times, 2005)