Interviews & Videos


Interview with Nicole Seymour (Public Books, 2020)

On why people hate environmentalists, the powers of being an alt-park ranger, the uses of funny, Barbra Streisand’s grapefruit orchard, & more

Interview with Kimberly Coulter (58-62 in Ant, Spider, Bee: Chronicling Digital Transformations in the Environmental Humanities, 2021)

On why shoving "the massive amount of info you should know before you try to use a public beach in Malibu" into a device that fits in your back pocket can be very very useful


Crazy Town podcast, 2022 (53 min)

In which we rant about green consumerism, the lack of systems
thinking, & why no one over 40 should be allowed to make climate

EcoJustice Radio (& podcast), 2022 (59 min)

Stop saving the planet!—cheat-sheet comprehensive interview with the EcoJustice folks

Historians Imagine, interview series, Center of the American West, 2021 (62 min)

Wide-ranging discussion on career & "creativity in the craft"

Generation Anthropocene, podcast, 2012 (40 min)

Stop Saving the Planet!, the LA Urban Rangers, & more

Press Play, KCRW, 2015 (7 min)

Malibu beach access

BackStory 2015 (12 min)

passenger pigeon extinction

LA River tour, for the USC Center for Health Journalism, 2011 (2 min)

speed-intro to the past, present, & future of L.A.’s concrete river

All Things Considered 2004 (5 min)

history of the feather trade


Stop Saving the Planet?

Video series on PBS Digital Studios--six short videos, based on Stop Saving the Planet! and hosted by wildlife ecologist Rae Wynn-Grant

The Greenhouse Book Talks

Talkin' Stop Saving the Planet! blues with the folks at The Greenhouse Center for Environmental Humanities

Rachel Carson Center, 2015 (4 min)

Stop Saving the Planet!

KCET Departures series, 2011 (3 min)

LA River revitalization

LA Urban Rangers—Public Access 101 videos: